National Vitamin "A+" Initiative | June 15, 2022

Volunteering at the National Vitamin A+ Campaign as a Rover Scout was inspired by my belief that every child deserves a healthy beginning. Access to essential vitamins is vital, and my experience as a Rover Scout has ingrained in me the importance of helping others and making a positive difference in my community.
On June 15, 2022, members of the Daffodil International University Air Rover Scout Group distributed vitamin A capsules to children at various centers in Dhaka and Savar. I carried out my duties with care and respect at the Maternal and Child Health Training Institute in Azimpur, Dhaka. In 2 days, we distributed vitamin A capsules to more than 750 children and provided health information to their parents.
Participating In the National Vitamin 'A' Plus Campaign, taught me the importance of organized teamwork, effective communication, and community involvement in public health initiatives. the goal is to administer one blue vitamin 'A' capsule (100,000 IU) to 110,000 children aged 6-11 months and one red vitamin 'A' capsule (200,000 IU) to 500,000 children aged 12-59 months in the Dhaka South City Corporation area.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles

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