Keep Peace as Assets for Next

“World peace must develop from inner peace. Peace is not just mere absence of violence. Peace is, I think, the manifestation of human compassion.” ― Dalai Lama XIV To get inner peace we need to work together for the betterment of our society. For this we decided to help every corner of our society.

Sri Sujit Kumar Chattopadhyay, DOC(S)had organised a meeting to Celebrate International Day Of Peace at DHQ/ADRA . At first we decided to survey areas under ADRA railway division then we will work according to the survey report. According to the plan we took permissions from the competent authorities to run the project. the project was divided in several sub projects like Food & Cloth Distribution, Cleanliness Programme, Yoga & Meditation Workshop, Peace Dialogue, Tree Plantation etc.

The impact of this project is very significant as nearly 500 people were benefitted in the society. we able to decrease inequalities in our society by Food & cloth Distribution program. Tree plantation and Cleanliness programs made our environment clean and green. Service and spent holidays program at Old Age Home made senior citizen happy and prosperous. we convinced youth and others by Tobacco awareness program. Home makers got healthy lives by yoga and meditation workshop.

This project had several sub topics so we gathered hug knowledge from these which are as follows---- 1. We knew importance of team building and team work. 2. We learnt about different kinds of trees while tree plantation project. 3. We knew about our freedom fighters and their sacrifices while observation of Partition Horror Remembrance Day. 4. We learnt the actual process of yoga and meditations during Yoga Workshop. 5. Our little bit time and efforts can build peace in our society.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Healthy Planet
Youth Programme
Environment and Sustainability
Peace and Community Engagement
Health and Wellbeing

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