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Eat Khe-Ta Be Se-Ta

Healty diet lifestyle was found more urgent and immediate action to required to address in our community. For proper growth of school children was found necessary to taken care as kids were away from their home. So, proper diet with right amount awareness is our motive to complete by project.
The day’s events kicked off with a peaceful speech by one of the scouts’ members. On the stage, a group of scouts demonstrate on a healthy diet (Nine Emo-Demo games) such as a. Colorful plate b. Balanced diet c. Disgusting junks d. Hidden sugar e. Eating timeline f. Hidden danger of salt g. Food for growth (Calcium) h. Meals before snacks i. Iron rich foods We included scout volunteers’ and staff to participate. In total, there were 320 students and 41 staff participates in the event.
Now school no more provide salty food and students too don't complain about salts. Taking meals on time with right amount were fond practiced. And other unhealty practices like excess sugar and consumption of junks were also reduced.
Increase knowledge about nutrition and healthy diets. • Increase healthy cooking skills. • Change attitudes and beliefs about healthy and unhealthy foods. • Change perceptions about the availability and affordability of healthy foods. • Change social norms around food consumption. • Inspire students to set an intension and plan to change habits. • Motivate and empower students and their caregivers to change eating habits.
Number of participants
Service hours
Health lifestyles
Healthy Planet
Humanitarian action

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