Clothes distribution programme among poor people.

We have a lot of poor people in bangladesh who don't afford to buy clothes. Even there are some person who sleep on the streets in this winter. They have no money to buy extra clothes. So they suffer a lot and lead miserable life . So we decided to distribute some clothes among them to feel comfortable what about those people who are sleeping on the the streets in this winter and poor.
Members of Uttara High School And College Scout Group initiated the project on 22/12/2022 at sector - 9, Uttara -Dhaka, 1230 in which 12 scouts participated actively . We collected some clothes and insufficient things to implement this programme properly .
About 135 people benefited from this project. We tried to fulfill the needs of the needy, poor and those who cannot afford to buy clothes in this winter.
I have learned a lot through this project . I felt very satisfied to help poor people with this project. And thus if everyone helps like us, then many poor people could be helped.
Number of participants
Service hours
Humanitarian action
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme
Peace and Community Engagement

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