BULT Refresher Course for Scout Leaders of Sarpang Dzongkhag

BULT Refresher Course for Scout Leaders of Sarpang Dzongkhag

BULT Refresher Course

BULT Refresher Course was conducted for 26 Teachers of Sarpang Dzongkhag at Lharing Primary School steered by 10 Resource Persons, 4 Leadership Scouts and 2 supporting staff.

The Basic Scouting Topics along with Sustainable Development Goals were presented to the Participants for 3 days and a day was kept for closing preparation and execution.

87 students and 9 Teachers of the School were alo involved.

The President of the Dzongkhag Scouts Association accompanied by the Chief Commissioner of the District graced the occasion.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Legacy BWF
Communications and Scouting Profile
Global Support Assessment Tool
Good Governance
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme

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