Better education for creating new world.
Education is the foundation of a child's future well - being. Children's creates various opportunities to help them live better lives. It can also help the society at large. With the right education, a child can help the country develop and progress at a faster pace. So this think inspired us to take this project .
Members of Uttara High School And College Scout Group initiated the project on 05/01/2023 at sector 11, primary school, Uttara - Dhaka , 1230 in which 10 scouts participated actively. We arranged some insufficient things and took help from the respectable teachers to implement this project properly .
About 160 people benefited from this project. It imparts a sense of team work and discipline in children, which is very important for their own growth as well as the the growth of nation when they become adults. It is during the childhood education that a child learns how to communicate and work in a team. It can yield a better surrounding in which people can differentiate between right and wrong, know the importance of voting, adhere to laws, and reduce crimes.
Through this project, we have learned that education equips us with the skills needed for success in today’s world . It allows us to be prepared for what is to come. Education provides us with the opportunity to learn and grow as an individual . It improves skills as literacy, develops effective habits, and may improve cognitive ability .