1st Annual Community Based Scouts Gathering
On 21st December 2018, 30 Leadership Scouts has been volunteered as a resource person for the 1st annual Community Based Scouts Gathering at Pelrithang Middle Secondary School,Sarpang District. We used to start our preparation from morning 6:00am till 6:00pm and after dinner we practice the dance for the camp. We prepared how to teach about scouting and we volunteers have pitch the tent for the participants. On 26th December participants arrived from all the 20 districts and there are 300 Community Based Scouts. From 27th December we start our program by oppening ceremony and morning exercise and there are some topics which is related to 17 Sustainable Development Goals. During night time we 30 volunteers done a night duty because in that place there is so many wild animals. On 30th December we end our Camp by a closing ceremony and depart to their on place. The participants were very proud on us because of our hard work and the night duty we have done for them.