Webinar on I Am Global Citizen Day 7

Webinar on I Am Global Citizen Day 7

The webinar organized by Bharat Scout Guide National Headquarters on 13th June 2021, whose theme was the last day of Sustainable Development Goal, inspired all the people to work based on the Sustainable Development Goal and gave his opinion Madhusudan sir gave us S. D.G. Gave information about and did a memorandum of thanks. The Director of National Headquarters, Mr. Rajkumar Kaushik also gave us some information about SDG, he thanked the people, inaugurated the new website of Scout Guide on this day and also told that How it works What competition was organized at the end of the webinar and today the final result of the competition was announced
Youth Programme
Youth Engagement
Personal safety
Legacy BWF
Good Governance
Global Support Assessment Tool
Communications and Scouting Profile

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