SWA Discovery: 4K [RE]solution
Last June 2022, the Lualu Rover Circle 9 conducted a Scouts of the World Award (SWA) Discovery where six (6) Rover Scouts of the Circle participated. The Discovery started with a SWA Discovery Workshop, followed by an area visit at Sitio Haduan, Mabalacat City, Pampanga, and by a series of service project proposal drafting and editing.
June 11-12: The Rover Scouts attended 2 out of the 3-day SWA Discover Workshop hosted by the Rover Circle Cardinals of Manila Council, where the objective of the Rover Scouts was to know and understand the Scouts of the World Award and its process. The workshop started with the introduction to the Scouts of the World Award which includes a description of the program, how to earn the award, the SWA Discovery, the SWA Voluntary Service, and the SWA Network. Furthermore, there were sessions about the Better World Frameworks and the Sustainable Development Goals, best practices on SWA and fundraising & budgeting.
June 20: The Rover Scouts went to Sitio Haduan and did observations to inspire a possible service project. They talked with and consulted the local leaders, local school teachers, and local residents of the Sitio about existing problems or needs of the community. The Rover Scouts noted some of the identified needs that they can resolve.
June 21: The Rovers Scouts did an initial brainstorming on how to resolve the identified needs of the community. They categorized each of the needs into service areas and assigned a pair to lead the development of mini-projects under each area. Each pair thought of 3-4 mini-project to be developed.
June 22: Each pair under a service area presented their ideas on possible mini-projects. The Rover Scouts from other service areas shared their thoughts and recommendations, and asked about the feasibility of the mini-projects. The Rover Scouts decided whether to carry or not the mini-projects based on the deliberations made.
June 23: The Rover Scouts continue to finish drafting each of the mini-project proposals. Each pair presented the drafts and others suggested some edits or additions to best serve the needs of the community. The Rovers Scouts compiled the mini-project proposals into a main project proposal.
June 24: The Rover Scouts further review the contents of the main project proposal to double-check each detail. They finalized the main project proposal and cleared it for submission. The Rover Scouts submitted the final service project proposal to the Local Council through the SWA Council Coordinator for review.