I'm a Global Citizen webinar Day 07
The seventh day’s webinar ‘I’m a Global Citizen ‘started at sharp 4 pm with a general salute and a scout prayer. Mr. A Sharma, ADNER welcomed all the guests and participants for the closing ceremony of the series of webinar on I’m a Global Citizen webinar’. Sir also presented a brief report of the seven days webinar. Sir remarked that the webinar was conducted to give a bird’s eye view of the SDGs, make the scout and Guides realize their role in the implementation of SDGs and take up community service to achieve SDGs.
A Reflection video was presented by the IT team. Mr. Shashank Dwarakanath , winner of the two days quiz voiced out his inspiration to be a part of the seven long day webinar. He pointed out that he got in-depth knowledge about SDGs and induced responsibility in doing his part to achieve SDGs. Ms. Dhakshana Indumathi, winner of the two days quiz expressed that she liked the volunteers from the Scouting and Guiding movement sharing their knowledge, equality that was maintained throughout the webinar and the team work of the organizing team.
Ms. Preethi expressed that the webinar has given her a lot of exposure to various topics like education, water conservation, hygiene etc. She also added that she would share her knowledge with others and add more people to achieve the SDGs. Mr. Md. Abrar Shariff, AB Scout, Southern Railway elaborated on the SDGs and his project on getting rid of plastics using various ways and working in the communities.
Deputy Commissioner (s), Mr. Madhusudan gave a very impressive session of SDGs. SDGs are very relevant to Scouting. Mr. Arup Sarkar elaborated about the outstanding award for Scouts and Guides, how to apply, its objectives, who can apply, how many are selected at national level, components of the award, deadline for submission of documents of state level winners etc. Sir encouraged every young Scout and Guide to apply for it.
Shri. PGR Sindhia sir launched the new website of the Youth Committee which is going to be the most effective and powerful website. Sir also spoke about SDGs and the need to work with the aim of sustaining the resources for the future. Taking action in partnership is what is expected of the Global Citizens according to sir. Sir congratulated the team for successfully conducting the webinar for the successive seven days from 7 June 2021 to 13 June 2021.
Shri. Jithesh Sheth, Deputy National Commissioner (Rovers) expounded about the website and what to expect: available features and what are planned for the future- online learning portal, Camping information and connect anytime anywhere.
The Fun Quiz, eagerly awaited one was conducted which gave the participants correct knowledge about SDGs and check themselves how much they knew about SDGs. Director, Shri Rajkumar Kaushik sir suggested to have meal bank, book bank, each one plant one project, promotion of Vaccination etc. Shri. Krishnaswamy sir thanked the team, the guests, speakers and the participants. The winner of the quiz was also greeted appropriately. The webinar came to a close with the National Anthem.