⚜️I am a Global Citizen⚜️
Day-7 (13th June):
Today, 13th June 2021 was the seventh and the last day of "l am a Global Citizen'' a series of webinars on sustainable developement.
Today, the seventh and the last day of the webinar was really very much technically as well as theoritically informative. And we got to know many things and lessons from our speakers.
The host of today's session was Ms. Shubhangi Shrivastava Ma'am and Mr. Kekhrieselhou Theunuo Sir. Analendra Sharma Sir gave the welcome address. Then our respected IT team of BSG presented a report/ presentation on the full journey of this webinar, from the first day to the end of the webinar. After that the winners of quiz of each day's were recognised by the NHQ and falicitated. Then their feedback were taken from them. And then Abrar Shariff Sir presented a very beautiful presentation before us which mainly consisted of works done by him and his team. He also taught us many unknown stuffs about SDG'S and recycling things. Then Madhusudan Ambala Sir took a short session on SDG'S, Arup Sarkaar Sir also shared us some of the initiatives organised by the Bharat Scouts and Guides. After that one of biggest asset of our organization, most respected Sir PGR Sindhiya gave a speech and launched our new website of BSG. His speech really inspired me a lot. Then Jitesh Sheth Sir made the new site of BSG friendly with us. This happend the most awaited thing of each webinar, the quiz, I really enjoy the quiz a lot. Then our respected Raj Kumar Kaushik Sir enlightened us with his inspiring words. And at last before the National Anthem, our executive director Sir Krishnaswamy R delivered the vote of thanks.
And this way the webinar "l am a Global Citizen'' a series of webinars ended. It was really a great honor for me to be a part of this initiative. I expect the BSG (NHQ) will keep launching these type of webinars.