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Leythro Dorji
World Health Day
5 years ago
Project 861 287

World Health Day

287 children (Scouts and non Scouts) carried out cleaning campaigne and health advocay to nearly 200 household in the community.
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Investiture ceremony
5 years ago
Project 844 422

Investiture ceremony

102 Nachungs (Cubs) and 38 Nazhoens (scouts) from Kuensel Phodrang PS and Zillion Namgyalling LSS were awarded scarf and membership badges by the Municipal...
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May Peace Prevail On Earth
5 years ago
Project 303 303

May Peace Prevail On Earth

278 students and 25 teachers participated in the international peace day celebration at Kuensel Phodarang PS. A minute of silence, prayers and speeches were...
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Orientation on Scouting Program and MoP Global Initiative
5 years ago
Project 75 25

Orientation on Scouting Program and MoP Global Initiative

A group of 25, comprising of teachers and the support staff of Kuensel Phodrang Primary School were oriented on the Scouting Program and MoP Global Initiative...
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