Service hours
Service Projects
Grow your own Garden
4 years ago
Project 648 108

Grow your own Garden

Gardening lessons are conducted every year at Votualevu Public School . The garden is normally divided and alloted to respective classes and clubs. Our school...
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Let's Take Salt Off The Menu
4 years ago
Project 34500 1150

Let's Take Salt Off The Menu

Votualevu Public School in partnership with the Western Health Promoting Schools team oranganised an awareness program "Lets take SALT off the menu for a week...
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Health & Hygiene
4 years ago
Project 2472 412

Health & Hygiene

The Dietitian, Physiotherapist, Nurse from the Namaka Health centre advocating to upper primar students (Years 5 - 8) of Votualevu Public School about the good...
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Let's Eliminate Plastics
4 years ago
Project 756 126

Let's Eliminate Plastics

The year 8 students participating in the program 'Let's Eliminate Plastics' organized at Votualevu Public School- Nadi.
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