Profile picture for user ajoychowhan_1
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Service Projects
2 months ago
Project 6 1

শীতবস্ত্র বিতরন।

শীতকাল সবচেয়ে শীতল ঋতু তাই এই সময়ে দারিদ্র সীমার নিচে বসবাসকারী মানুষদের অনেক কষ্ট হয় কারণ তাদের নিজেদেরকে ঢেকে রাখার জন্য গরম কাপড় নেই। আমি একটি প্রকল্পের...
Read more about শীতবস্ত্র বিতরন।
2 months ago
Project 4 1

Book Distribution.

Our country is a poor country. So develop this country, education is a powerful weapon. But many people are poor. So they don't afford to buy books. As a...
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2 months ago
Project 10 1

Providing domesticated cows.

If you want to support a person, you have to work on a long project, in which I and my team can support a family by donating money for buy cow .
Read more about Providing domesticated cows.
2 months ago
Project 4 1

Adolescence Awareness for Students

Puberty is a definite process through which a child's body transforms into an adult's body and acquires the ability to reproduce. It is initiated by the...
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