Profile picture for user Ranger Anupama_1
Anupama Negi
Service hours
Service Projects
4 years ago
Project 8 1


A. Challenge - 3 Good Health and well being today I made a video in which I describe the process of hand washing. #Handwash Challenge - 4 I made poster on...
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4 years ago
Project 5 1


A. Health & Well Being Challenge 1 – #Reachout Today i call my five friends and aware them about covind_19, which is spreading throughout the world. we decide...
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R&R with Koshish Ek Aasha
4 years ago
Project 48 8

R&R with Koshish Ek Aasha

Today R&R unit GDC Rampur started working with NGO Koshish Ek Aasha. Today we visit the care centre and meet the disable students. We play some games with them...
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Foundation Day of Bharat Scout and Guide
4 years ago
Project 90 15

Foundation Day of Bharat Scout and Guide

Rovers and Rangers unit Rampur Bsr. celebrate Foundation Day of Bharat Scout and Guide on 7th November. We started with flag ceremony. Our college principal...
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