Profile picture for user Pyenjo_1
Tashi Pyenjo
Let's Beautyfy our surrounding
5 years ago
Project 240 40

Let's Beautyfy our surrounding

This is the initiative of one of my friend Leki Dendup and there are about 40 member including him on making bench and flower garden. Cleaning toilet and...
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Zero waste hour
5 years ago
Project 180 30

Zero waste hour

zero waste hour A group of scout from the sherubtse college had taken an initiate to clean in and around the locality about 7 km range up down and created...
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Well-being of human
5 years ago
Project 1080 30

Well-being of human

Week long day out and social service with the young youth of the locality. Volunteered for some service to the lhakhnag near by and some of the prominent...
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World scout scarf day
5 years ago
Project 90 15

World scout scarf day

We have marked the day with a small celebration by wearing the scarf for a day and gathering at the evening. During the gathering we shared our views in the...
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