Profile picture for user Shorty scout_1
Tenzin Wangchuk
held school sport meet
4 years ago
Project 2070 345

held school sport meet

We can keep ou body healthy and we can make some certificate to the friends.
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planting trees at takali
4 years ago
Project 1800 150

planting trees at takali

We have made with so many friends and we can communicate with the community.
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giving talk time public
4 years ago
Project 900 150

giving talk time public

To talk about the to keep our gewog clean and don't through paper in anywhere.
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wang at jangchubling
4 years ago
Project 150 25

wang at jangchubling

Give services to the grandmother and grandfather who cannot work and I have developed my communication skills.
Read more about wang at jangchubling