Profile picture for user Scout Dorji Zangmo_1
Scout Dorji Zangmo
Cleaning campgin
4 years ago
Project 7440 620

Cleaning campgin

Along with Health cordinator and Literary Codinator of Tsirangtoe Central School have conducted cleaning campgin towards four points. We have collected waste...
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International Peace Day Celebration.
4 years ago
Project 6000 500

International Peace Day Celebration.

We all the Scout Unit leaders of Tsirangtoe Central School celebrated international peace day by Conducted marthon competition amoung Four Houses(Taag, Seng...
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Electric fence in community
5 years ago
Project 216 36

Electric fence in community

We along with Y-VIA cordinator and the members helped the electric fencing in community
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Nachung Holiday
5 years ago
Project 1200 100

Nachung Holiday

we the Unit leaders and scout members of Tsirangtoe Centrsl School had celebrated Nachung Holiday. The main aim of the programme is to let the students to get...
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