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Lungten Norbu
Service to Throema Tshogkhang
4 years ago
Project 180 30

Service to Throema Tshogkhang

On Sunday thirty members of phuntshothang community based scouts joined public to construct the base of Throema Tshogkhang.(hall to be used for spiritual...
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Making tsa tsa(stupa)
4 years ago
Project 360 30

Making tsa tsa(stupa)

Thirty Nazhoen scouts went to pay our service to Belamsharang for making small stupa. The stupa is to put inside the big chorten which is contructed by Tendrel...
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Spiritual retreat camp
4 years ago
Project 15120 630

Spiritual retreat camp

Nazhoen scouts spiritual camp was held at pemathang lower secondary school. Seven schools participated the retreat camp with ninety participants from each...
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International day for peace
4 years ago
Project 720 40

International day for peace

Phuntshothang comunity based scouts and Nazhone scout observed the international day for peace. Scout unit leader Sang Tenzin gave a talk about importance of...
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