World Environment Day 2k22 | Be A Warrior
The World Environment Day 2022 global campaign #OnlyOneEarth calls for transformative changes to policies and choices to enable cleaner, greener, and sustainable living in harmony with nature. It will focus on the need to live sustainably in harmony with nature, and our possibilities for shifting to a greener lifestyle through both policies and individual choices. “Only One Earth” this planet is our only home, and humanity must safeguard its finite resources.
We the members of Swamiji Rover Crew gathered at our School ground on (05/06/22) 09:00AM to celebrate WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY. The tree plantation program was started 09:05AM. We planted almost 20 various types of plants across School area. All participants successfully completed tree plantation program. After that we happily went home.
Trees are vital components on the planet, they support us with oxygen and give life to the world’s wildlife. They also provide us the materials for tools and shelter. Trees are essential for life of all living species on earth, If you want to know the seasons Is it winter spring, summer or fall Look at the trees. Therefore, Planting billions of trees across the world is one of the biggest cheapest ways of taking CO2 out of the atmosphere to tackle the climate crisis.
World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5 every year to remind people about the importance of nature. It is celebrated across the globe to tell people that nature should not be taken for granted and must be respected for its values. With the coronavirus outbreak and people being confined indoors, the environment and mother earth seem to have benefitted slightly. Nature is getting time to clean itself and reclaim its space.