Waste Management

Rovering is our main motivation from which we could learn about how we could be an agent of change in the society and in the world as a whole. Waste management is serious issues faced in the colleges and in fact everywhere. Hence, the main motive was to create awareness to own proper management of our own waste.
The project was carried out in the college. Total of 65 rovers took part in it. New implementation was brought where the dustbin would be locked for other time and students or staffs are allowed to dispose waste at allocated time after doing all the segregation.
This project directly benefit the college cleanliness. The staffs and students would have conducive and beautiful environment to live and learn. Most importantly, it benefits to create awareness on waste management.
Unless everyone change their mindset to work together and be responsible of their own waste, the waste management shall be challenging. But each of us would clean and take care of our own doorsteps, the whole world shall be clean.
Number of participants
Service hours
Clean Energy
Mental health
Environment and Sustainability
Health and Well-being

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