Together for Positive Change

Together for Positive Change

Scout Camp was conducted on the theme "Together for Positive Change"

Topic covered are;

 1.   Spiritual Visit Camp  

Spirituality is one of the main aspects of scouting program. The camp shall seek the support of Regional monastery to kindly lead a talk on spiritual teaching while visiting the monastery on the hike. Topics for the teaching shall be identified after consulting the monastery. Hence the spiritual visit camp will be one of the most memorable events. The Nachung Scout will further consolidate their culture and spiritualism aspect in them.

Total of 200 Nachung Scouts will take part in the activity in smaller groups. The Nachungs will be divided into six sub-camps and further will be divided into four patrols each in their respective sub-camps. The activity will be conducted for three days. Daily two groups took part in the activity, one in the morning session and one in the afternoon session respectively.

The trip will begin with the journey to Buli Dratsang/Domkhar Dzong. The children will wear kabney and rachu and further will be given 10 minutes talk about the importance culture which aimed at inculcating the sense of nationalism to the young minds.  

The camp to Dratshang/Dzong will have lot more to offer to the Nachungs. The relic besides the breathing taking exhibition, the Lam will give a brief Chashay larim. The Nachungs will also have privileged to know the general history of the Dratshang/Dzong.

The Dzong was the next important structures for the Nachungs to understand and know about. They will be given talk about the importance of the need of dzong. Hardly, few might have visited the particular Dzong. This very camp was the most pristine opportunity to know the Dzong.

The concerned escorts, sub camp chief and few volunteers will accompany the hike.

At the end of the hike, few scouts should share their experience with their mates.

Every scout should prepare a hike report which shall be duly submitted to their escort or the sub cap chief.

  1. Global Village

It was outmost privilege for the Nachung Scouts to explore the verity of activities under the Global Village.   The activities were conducted as follows:

  1. Sensitization and awareness talk on Youth related Issues by O.C, Traffic, Security and Fire Bridge from Royal Bhutan Police:
  2. Basic presentation on Democracy in Bhutan by Dzongkhag Election Officer:
  3. Driglam Namzha: Provide Basic Training on Kabney and Rachu:
  1. Eco Trail Report

Eco-trail in scouting will help to impart the sense of home eco-friendliness by creating a bond between our ecology and us. Further it will also help to foster team work. Similarly, the eco-trail in this Nachung scouts came Gaytsa is aimed at fostering team work and to make the camp expedition much more adventurous and strengthen the bonding with the environment that we live in.

In this expedition, we there will be 8 activities designed which will take our Nachung scouts to walk, explore and to learn by doing. The Nachung scouts will start their eco-trail in patrol wise with instructions to follow the trail sign – arrow head and strip of red colour cloth. They will be instructed to collect waste on the way and to collect some natural things that they found on the way to do an activity at the last or 8th Base. Proper instructions should be given not to harm and disturb the natural setting on their trail as the journey will be through the village, buckwheat field and vegetable garden, and the patrols has to go through the trees-forest. They will learn and gathered information through the trail. Each activity at the eight bases will be designed to test the life skills such as team spirit and creative thinking…

1st Base - The Secret Smell. (Sense Teasing)

2nd Base - With completion of activity at 1st Base, the patrol have to find signs to move to 2nd Base with instruction that the waste management at the workshop along with an activity to match the picture with any five things found in nature.

The 3rd Base, they have to use their creativity to build a model using the linking cubes and the set of domestic animals.

At 4th Base they have to match the animal track with the model of wild animals within a given time.

In the 5th Base the patrol had to compose a nature song and sing it too.

Then they will move on to 6th Base where they have to make their team spirit to complete the Bhutan map with pictures of animals of Bhutan. Since they had to complete it within a given time, they need to work in team since the jig saw puzzle consist of 45 pieces to be joined.                                              

The 7th Base will have an activity that will allow the Nachungs to take a rest and reward with refreshment. It is a Fruit hunting activity where the scouts will have to find a message and then hunt for the fruit.                                       

The last and final 8th Base will be the display of creative nature collections. Here also they work in team to display their collected natural things in a creative way.

  1. Youth Educational Programme on My World

In this Programme, there will be many Educational Fun Activities

Activity 1- My World
In this activity, children will be provided with old newspapers, kuensel and other magazines. Children are given time to cut out pictures from the given materials.
Benefit: Children will reflect on their lives, the type of world they live in. Basically children will get the time to critically think about the world they live in. It will also provide them with the opportunity to work together as a team, developing the team work.
Activity 2- Dear Gyalsey
In this activity, Nachungs will be asked to write special quotes, expressions feelings or write letters to Gyalsey and paste it on the space provided to them.
Benefit: Children will learn to reflect on the love and affection they have for the Gyalsey. It also serves as a rededication to our kings


Community service is one of the major events in scouting. Scouts are known for their volunteer service; therefore, the camp will provide the opportunity for the scouts to render a community service on one of the days. The type of community service shall be decided based on the need analysis done prior to commencement of the camp.


Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Legacy BWF
Communications and Scouting Profile
Global Support Assessment Tool
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme
Good Governance

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