South Africa

Stainbank Nature Reserve Litter Clean Up

We as a scout troop identified the need to clean up the local nature reserve for the countless people that visit it and work in it.
We did a clean up at the Stainbank Nature Reserve where we spent 2 hours picking up all the litter we saw.
We helped the countless of visitors of Stainbank by cleaning up the reserve and giving them a better place to visit. We also helped the workers there by cleaning up the litter and helping with their job.
We learnt that there is much more litter than we think in places that are supposed to be all nature. It saddens us to see that amount of litter but we learnt that we can help out by picking up every piece of litter we see.
Number of participants
Service hours
South Africa
Nature and Biodiversity
Healthy Planet
Better Choice
Environment and Sustainability

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