Scout Community Service for Fire Disaster Victims
Bandung, May 05, 2024, a fire disaster occurred in Rancamanyar RT.005/RW.008, Margamukti Village, Pangalengan District. Based on this, the Pangalengan Scout Movement Branch Management invites all scout members from each school/Scout Group to participate in collecting and donating some of their fortune to the victims of the fire disaster.
This activity is a collaboration between the Kwartir Ranting and all the front groups in Pangalengan sub-district, in order to collect donations for 25 days to ease the burden on the community affected by the fire disaster in Rancamanyar Village, Pangalengan.
The attitude of helping each other is one of the implementations of the goals of Scouting. When our brothers and sisters are hit by a disaster, it is obligatory for us as scouts to help.