Providing warmth to the needy People

It is observed that during the course of the winter season, the poor and vulnerable people suffer from the seasonal shift in weather while not being equipped with the requisite clothing resources to combat the same.  Hence, we undertake initiatives inclined towards enhancing their accessibility to suitable clothing through running collection drives across the region for the poor. . All the rovers of the Master Da Surja Sen Rover crew participated in the differentiated phases of this project. The motivation could be primarily associated with the sense of satisfaction and warmth that would be derived by the vulnerable members of the society through our actions. 

The Project was executed at the Garo Basti Tea Garden area on 1st of January 2023. The individuals were primarily requested for their considerate listening aimed at educating them on the purpose of the project. It was followed by distribution of the collected clothing based on their respective choices. The members of the community were cooperative and actively engaging in promoting disciple while showering unparalleled gratitude. 

Before the execution of the project the rovers had facilitated discussions aimed at understanding the needs of the community. It was noted that the seasonal shift in turn triggered imbalance in the health and resistance in the young children, thereby requiring suitable and sustainable clothing resources. This would in turn generate a profound and measurable impact on the community, making them more resilient and prepared to combat weather posed health concerns. 

The project in turn taught us the importance of some elementary resources that had to be made available for the health and well-being of the vulnerable and unsupported individuals of the society. It imbibed a sense of team work and enhanced the communication skills while enabling us to engage in meaningful and impactful ways with people.

Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement

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