Observed Mother's Day cum Descending Day of Lord Buddha
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Observed Mother's Day cum Descending Day of Lord Buddha

Annually, Descending Day of Lord Buddha cum Mother's Day is celebrated in Bhutan on 22nd Day of 9th Month in Bhuddhist calender which fell on October 31, 2018. this year, the program was orgaznied by Dratshang and Damphu Central School where i was also invited as Guest to observe the day. Accordingly, i joined my office colleagues and observed that day by:

1. Offering of Good fortunes prayers by all participants (around 800);

2. Offering and cutting of cake and offerings accordingly;

3. Offering of butter lamps and singing of longevity prayers to all mothers on earth; and

4. Cultural program joined by 800 plus students

The program ended by 1:00 pm.

Number of participants
Service hours

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