Nachung Scout (Cub) Expedition
The Nachung Scouts of Barshong Primary School carried out Cub expedition in collaboration with Mendrelgang Central School, Tsirang on 15th October 2017. The expedition was carried out with following objectives:
1. To fosre brotherhood among Nachung Scouts of two school.
2. To strengthen relationship between the Scouts leaders and Nachung.
3. To make Scouting Movement stronger.
4. To motivate Nachung Scouts.
5. To increase the enrollment of Nachung Scouts next year.
During our expedition, 138 Nachung Scouts and 6 Scout leaders actively participated. On 14th October 2017, the senior Scouts and Scout leader engaged themselves in preparing the camp. The real expedition took placed on 15th October with the following activities.
08:45 am – 08:50 am Assemble of Nachung Scouts
08:50 am – 09: 00 am Start of Expedition following the trail signs.
11:00 am – 11:55 am Reporting at the Camp site .
11:55 am – 12:30 pm Introduction of Nachungs with Hi Five
12:30 pm – 01:00 pm Cultural Program Scout Leaders
01:00 pm – 01:15 pm Sharing Lunch
01:00 pm – 01:15 pm Treasure Hunt
01:15 pm – 01:30 pm Prizes distribution and Awarding of Badges
i. Nima Badge Award.
ii. Best Patrol Award.
iii. Best Talent Performer Award.
iv. Best Treasure Hunter Award.
v. Best Dancer Award.
vi. Best Quizer Award.
01:30 pm – 01:35 pm Vote of Thanks by Troop Leader of BPS
01:35 pm – 01:45 pm Departure Song
01:45 pm – 02:00 pm Seeing off with Scout’s Salute, handshake and hugs