INCLUSION & DIVERSITY CHALLENGE-"EXTENDING A HELPING HAND"- Heeding the call from the mountains of Ba

INCLUSION & DIVERSITY CHALLENGE-"EXTENDING A HELPING HAND"- Heeding the call from the mountains of Ba

Nakoroboya Village is located approximately 50 kilometers for the town of Ba on the Western Part of Viti levu, the main island in Fiji. The interiors of the mainland usually comprise of traditional I- taukei  (Fijian) villages. These villages have usually have a small village school to cater for the children living in the are. These villages in the interior of Viti Levu usually do not have access to all the facilities when compared to an urban school. Children who even have disabilities are not ben able to be cared for since they do not have the resources or facilities to cater for those special needs students. We found our from one of the teachers of the school that there were students who needed our help. He made a list of the things they needed. We bought all their needs and made our way up the village. There, we met up with two 3 families who had been identified. We found out that there were two people, one aged 16 and the other one aged 32, who had been bed ridden all throughout their life. They had been cared for by their mothers respectively. It was astonishing to note that the 32 year old lady was being cared for by her 83 year old mother. It was an emotional moment hearing stories of their  livelihoods. We as a team were grateful to have been given the opportunity to reach out to these people through this project.

Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Legacy BWF
Communications and Scouting Profile

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