Household Wastage Filteration System Scout o Rama

As we all know water is very important in a human's life, and wasting it is threatening to society. So I and my friends decided to spread awareness about the ways we can save water. So we came up with the idea of creating a model of a process in which the wastage of household(water) can be reused. If we replicate this model on a bigger level this can help a lot of people.
So we all know that water in the household is not clean, so to clean it there are many processes. but in our project, we showed one method called 'Filteration'. So we divided the methods into 4 stages, First, the storage where dirty water is getting stored, Second where the larger amount of dirt is removed(it gets removed because we change the alignment of the pipes), and Third where the filter the water to remove dust/sand(by filter paper) and finally the storage of green water.
It was very beneficial for the people as it told them a unique way to save our motherland. It even helped many engineers to motivate to do something important for this country.
I learned many things through this project, Not only while making it but while presenting it, It increased my confidence and helped me know more about cleaning water and protecting our beloved country.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Clean Energy
Health lifestyles
Healthy Planet
Environment and Sustainability

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