Green Minds, Green Hands, Green Dahab

On the 1st of July, a group of 5 Diverse Adult leaders gathered to start planning for delivering knowledge and awareness to Our Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of different ages. We started by reading more about SDGs, history of WOSM in environmental projects and Earth tribe Then we decided to take the Plastic Tide Turners Challenge.


We turned the plastic tide turners guide & activities into a curriculum for each age group with all the resources and necessary knowledge provided so that our leaders would be able to deliver it to our boy & girl scouts. We designed a progression card for each scout to measure his/her progression.


188 scouts Each one had to spread the word to his family and friends with an average of 5 each which makes 940 Around 600 tourists received awareness through signs and interviews daily for 10 days of the camp which makes 6000 tourists But the signs are still there spreading the awareness People working at the protectorates and tourist sites benefitted from the less plastic pollution which benefits around 300 families 7138 people and 300 families


Now that our project ends, its impact stays, we noticed a huge change in the actions of our scouts, their plastic use decreased significantly, whenever they saw plastic in the streets they removed it immediatley, they even started spreading awareness to everyone they meet, now they understand deeply the issue and know the solutions.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Legacy BWF
Nature and Biodiversity
Environment and Sustainability

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