Go Green at Roverway 2018
Be green and join the Environmental and Sustainable Program
During the activity days on 30 and 31 July 2018 the Roverway and Scoutinglandgoed Zeewolde offered the Roverscouts a unique program about the Environment and Sustainability.
With the base in the Chill but challenged zone there was a wide variety on activities on the Scoutinglandgoed which will helped the Roverscouts to become more ecofriendly and more aware of their own behaviour. Think about calculating your ECO footprint, doing a game about the UN Sustainable development goals, testing the water and air quality, make art of waste.
When the Roverscouts did a certain number of green activities and a small service project, as a reward they received a WOSM badge, the Biodiversity Challenge badge and a Dutch badge about the Environment.
The activities were:
1 Make the Roverway solar cooker
2 Waste no more: make rocket stoves from cans
3 Durability: “First I was trash, but now I am fashionable"
4 Waste no more: party mask
5 Top 5 Go green tips: make your own poster
6 Change the world shopping! Can Ecolabels help at buying dish washing soap
7 Can you drink it, can you swim in it? Explore water quality
8 Can you stick the air to paper? Check it out!
9 Bees as pollinator: A role playing game
10 Global warming
11 What’s your Ecological footprint: calculate it!
12 The new four horsemen: take on the four effects of climate change and combat climate change itself
13 Understand the Sustainable development goals: play the board game
14 Pros and cons of 6 environmental statements: debate
15 Service: Scoutinglandgoed clean-up
16 Pubquiz - what have you learned
All the relevant documents, such as the pubquiz and a description of all the activities, are in a Google Drive Map, which you can find here.
All the photos are in a Google Photos album, which you can find here.