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Further Study Education for Ciporeat Village Teens

Further study is one of the things that requires more attention to answer today's challenges. Many people decide not to pursue further studies because they are constrained by costs and do not know that there are scholarship programs provided for this and do not feel that this is important. Therefore, we were carrying out this project to provide education about the importance of further studies and the supporting programs available, of course in a fun way.

This project was carried out by first providing a presentation regarding the importance of further study along with scholarship programs and how to register. After that, we shared experiences with those of us who are currently pursuing further studies. On the last day, games were held that trained cooperation and togetherness, of course with the aim of attracting the attention of teenagers in the village that we as students can design creative activities, not just studying.

The beneficiaries of this project are 38 teenagers. Through this project, they become educated regarding the importance of further studies today with various prospects in the future. Apart from that, they were also educated about various ways to enter college, scholarships provided by the government and the private sector, as well as life and activities at college.

Through this project, I learned that there are still many people, especially teenagers, who do not realize the importance of further studies for life now and in the future. We, as scouts, must be sensitive to this and act so that human resource development, especially through education, can run even better. Of course, the ultimate goal of this is to reduce inequality by reducing unemployment and poverty levels.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement

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