Free Drinking Water Distribution Camp In Summer

During the ongoing summer, the heat of the sun during daylight hours is very high. So the use of water has now become essential. But traveling from one place to another, drinking water is scarce with us and buying a bottle of water is not everyone's cup of tea. So to provide clean drinking water to all, Rajshahi Polytechnic Institute Rover Scout Group organized free water distribution drive on Rajshahi-Naogaon highway road.
Our camp was for 1 day .Under the leadership of our RSL sir ,We provide clean water to the thirsty people and various drivers on the Rajshahi-noagaon highway road.
There are many people benefited for this water distribution camp . Others people can see that how to help others like that .Feeding others at the time when they needed to water .
Providing drinking water to the passengers of the highway is developed humanitarian morals among the people .The rovers has learnt how to help others by doing good works everyday.The water distribution camp drive will continue .
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement
Healthy Planet

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