Founder's Day 2024: active in cleaning the environment

in commemoration of founder's day 2024, some rover scouts from sanggau took action to clean up the environment and make the environment better and more sustainable, Tayan Sanggau, Kalimantan Barat Friday (23/2/2024).

By cleaning the road area using garbage claws and some use their hands directly, after that the garbage is collected and stored in garbage sacks, then the garbage is recycled into useful and valuable items.

from the actions we took in commemorating founder's day 2024, it has a huge impact on the environment and the community such as the environmental area becoming clean which was previously a complaint of the surrounding community, making the community environment healthy and much more.

This environmental cleanup action was carried out as an effort to preserve the environment affected by garbage in road and residential areas and also as an effort to overcome global warming and achieve sustainable development goals.

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement
Nature and Biodiversity
Better Choice
Environment and Sustainability
Health and Wellbeing

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