Fiji Scouts Association and Messengers of Peace had organized a first ever International Peace Day Virtual program project with the theme: Recovering Better for an Equitable & Sustainable World. A total of 1100 Messengers of Peace, Scouts, and Non-scouts Participated. Fiji Scouts Association was inspired by the Asia- Pacific Regional 10th year of Messengers of Peace virtual celebrations.
The MoP core team decided to have GREEN INITIATIVE PROJECT on Sunday the 19th of September where a total of 1100 participants planted a tree with their families around Fiji with pledge displays to protect our environment.
20/09/21-the district Scout Councils and Messengers of Peace had their virtual Peace Day discussions and pledge displays.
21/09/21-We had a 1st ever virtual Peace Day Conference.
22/09/21-We had a National Virtual Peace Run.
A total of 1100 participants directly benefited from this history creating International Day of Peace Project. The 1100 participants actively participated in the 4 days program. This project successfully managed to spread the knowledge of Peace and inspired participants to become agents of peace.
As a member of the Fiji Messengers of Peace Core Team I have learnt that peace can be spread by sharing the ideology of Peace. Peace can be shared by taking positive actions. Everyone wants peace. Taking actions which leads to peace and sharing them on www.scout.org is another way of inspiring others. Keep sharing your smile. Smiling spreads peace.