In accordance with climate issues, during the international day for ecology and to fight against climate change, JFAC 2023 through the presence of several personalities including scouts and water and forests organized a tree planting session at the cited SIR.
This project was implemented in the SIR city of the rivera, and we used varieties of trees, more precisely the lonforia, and we planted them in front of the primary school of the SIR city. In order to have a significant water yield, we used rain balances which are crystals, once planted, that allow them to collect water and release it according to the needs of the plant.
The most likely lesson I learned from this project is that each tree planted heals the planet for a while, we must protect it and show it all our respect and recognition through our ecological actions. To be able to improve it, the project would have to be extended across the entire national territory in order to have a greater impact.
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Côte d'Ivoire
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Better Choice
Healthy Planet

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