Distribution of Mask, Sanitizers in District Tuberculosis Hospital
The Bharat Scouts and Guides, Unit Udhampur (UT JK)today visited District Tuberculosis including Scout Masters Amar Dev Singh, Rakesh Sharma and Avinash Thappa under the guidance of District Secretary Balwan Singh.The hands of the TB patients present there were firstly sanitized. Thereafter, masks, sanitizers etc. were distributed to those who did not have masks, sensitizers etc .The patients were queued and told the benefits of social distance in the Corona period.
Scout Master Rakesh Sharma explained to the patients that the immunity of the TB patients is very low compared to the normal person. They need treatment for six to nine months. Also, it has to be on a protein-rich diet. The body starts to become weak like this If these patients come under the grip of Corona virus, then this virus starts spreading very rapidly through the throat. There is so much difficulty in breathing that eventually the patient succumbs. Therefore we need to be more vigilant.
After this Masks were presented to Dr Kavi Raj, District Tuberculosis Officer and Chandrakanta, Medical Officer-Treatment Control and requested to distribute them to the patients coming to the hospital from various far flung areas so that the TB patients could be saved to some extent from the corona pandemic. Dr Kaviraj and Medical Officer Chandra Kanta thanked Bharat Scouts and Guides team for their contribution and Volunteer services during COVID- 19 pandemic.
Esteemed State Commission I.D Soni praised the work done by the district Udhampur Unit and said that Bharat Scouts and Guides is always ready to serve each and every needy and helpless as a moral and Social responsibility.