Creating Green School through Waste Management
Profile picture for user Nima Yoesel Wangdi_1

Creating Green School through Waste Management

Waste management is becoming challenging as the country is developing. Therefore initially we the scouts of Yebilaptsa Central School created awareness to whole school regarding the waste management. Since we needed proper storage of waste we built our own waste house starting from February 26th. All the classes compete for the highest waste collected and the highest waste management class of the year is awarded individual certificate and a cash prize. Therefore all the students and the class teachers participate to be on the top. After the completion of the waste storage house scouts every month segregated waste which would be sold to scrap dealers and the money is kept as a prize money for the winner of waste management. The waste management will still continue and will be carried out by Yebi-Scouts.
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Personal safety
Global Support Assessment Tool

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