Coastal Clean Up/Fun Run and Mangrove Planting
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Coastal Clean Up/Fun Run and Mangrove Planting

A project of Boy Scout of the Philippines Guinayangan National High School in cooperation of different school organizations like Girl Scouts of the Philippines, YES-O Club, and Academic Clubs like Filipino, English, Science, Mathematics and other subjects. it was attend3d by 56 Senior Scouts, Girl Scouts and different Academic Clubs Officers and Barangay Officials. Each of them served 6 hours and more to the activity. The project started with a Opening program followed by the FUN RUN (from School to the Site where the activity was done), when the participants reached the site they planted the 200 MANGROVE TREES and after that they started the COASTAL CLEAN UP. The Barangay Council also helped us in the activity. It was a 3-in-1 activity of BSP GNHS to protect the environment and the sanctuary of fish and the people of Barangay Manlayo.
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme

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