This year Scouts experiences a greet competition entitled Scout Challenge on Environment A truly Peace Action. After a year passed from centenary and gifts foe Peace Project İt was another success for awareness of Peace Scours of Poyraz Troop prepared answers t oall of those questions Photographer: U.Savas Baran Poyraz oymağı izcileri Scout Challenge için Çevre yanıtlarını hazırlıyorlar Members of Poyraz troop preparing answers for Scout Challenge on Environment   We think JOT And JOTI for all catagories of Communication. We focused onstamp collections and visited National Annual Stamp exhibition in Ankara Some of the boyraz troop members visited National Stemp exhibition where find the biggest scout stenp collection İzcilerden bazıları Milli Pul Sergisini ziyaret ettiler ve burada türkiyenin en büyük izci pulları kolleksiyonunu buldulr. We participated SCOUT cHALLENGE yarışmasına katıldık and sent our Scout Challenge Answers to our partners on peace catagory ortaklarımıza Barış konulu Scout Challange yanıtlarını gönderdik We contacted Horley patrolsWe know them from Lands of Adventure day Land of Adventure günü etkinliklerinden tanısığımız Horley izci grubu obaları ile temas ettik.   We had the most interesting contact with Russian Federation Why was this contact so special?? We had our first validation card from them İlk validation kartlarını onlardan aldık. We contct them on every occation of international events İlk tems kartı onlardan geldi ve her zaman uluslararsı olaylarda onlarla temas ederiz   Any continuing contact UK 1st and 2nd Horley UK . We invited them for Explorer belt in Turkey and begin pen pal activities. Also planning for  more Lands of Advanture activities Sometime ago we encouraged them to participate to land of adventure day and they had second place award in Loa day competition     We also made contact with the following countries:: JOTI  Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Egypt, United Kingdom, Mexico, New Zealand, Russian Federation   Station  JOTI Amount of computers 4 Connection type ADSL   Activities  •Visited other JOTA-JOTI stations •Played a nationaly organised JOTA-JOTI game   Other activities Participated Scout Challenge 2008 JOTI competition We visited National Stamp Exhibition We wisited Dolunay JOTA station and spoke on JOTA channels Milli pul sergisini bazılarımız gezdi. Antrak da jota istasyonunda telsizle konuştuk Scout Challange etkinliğine katıldık   our answers to Scout Challenge JOTI2008 Environment questions ENVIRONMENT WORK FOR SCOUT CHALLENGE JOTI 2008   BORAN SCOUT AND GUIDE GROUP POYRAZ  GUIDES AND SCOUTS MAKI  PATROL   Here is environment answerds from Maki patrol of Poyraz troop of Boran1. What is the best activity to do outdoors?ANSWER: Sporting and caring for nature in camps2. What are some threats to our environment?Answer: The main treat is Global warming and Climate change 3. What causes global warming?Answer:  Mainly Carbon dioxide from endustriel ans energy use 4. If we immediately stopped emitting greenhouse gases, would global warming stop?Answer. The amount of C02 layer will stay there and greenhouse effect will goes on5. What might the environment look like in 30 years?Worse 6. What is the most important thing Scouts can do to protect our environment now and for the future?Tree planting. Keeping nature Clean aqnd make people aware of itCarbon free climate neutral activitiesGroup Name Boran Scout GroupTroop Poyraz Scout troopPatrol Maki (nemur) PatrolAvarage age 12e-Mail of the group:  Ezgi Lider ,     Participants  Section                               Male      Female Scouts / Guides                 12          14 Venture Scouts & Staff        1            3  
Number of participants
Service hours
Communications and Scouting Profile

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