Better World Framework

Better World Framework

During the Grand Nachung Nazhoen Winter Camp held in Samtse in 2019 at Peljorling Higher Secondary School, I facilitated about 700 plus scouts participants (in a week) from different schools in the district, imparting them about the very crucial world movement, 'The Better World Framework.' Scouts were explained about the initiatives of better world framework and they were asked to discuss in patrol about how they can make the world a better place to stay. They also presented their discussion to other patrols.

The scouts participants were also delivered with the world's most important fiftteen years mission, 'Sustainable Development Goals' which in the country is one of the pillars of Gross National Happiness. The scouts were assigned a Sustainable Development Goal in patrol and asked to discuss what they can do to achieve the goal at least in their school. For presentation, they were asked do a TV show program in the frame developed. At the end of their participation in the booth, scouts were asked to write their committments in a given sheet, making sure that they commit to do it.

***Nachung Scouts (Class IV to VI).

***Nazhoen Scouts (Class VII to XII).

Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Personal safety
Legacy BWF
Good Governance
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme

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