This project is called "BACKYARD GARDENING RESULT". We had a backyard area where rubbish used to be burnt. Keeping climate action in mind we decided to help support our environment by clearing the backyard area. We cleaned the backyard area and dug up a garden on the 1st of May, 2021.
We planted English Cabbage seedlings together with Gerbera seedlings. We continued to water the new backyard garden. After 2 months we positively completed this exciting project.
This backyard garden project to place in the home environment due to a lockdown in this pandemic.
We managed to clear our home backyard. We dug up a garden at the place where rubbish were being burnt.
We planted English Cabbage seedlings and Gerbera flower seedlings.
We watered the garden daily for the past 2 months.
This project shows the extraordinary results of this project.
This project encouraged 18 families who lives in the Rifle Range community. These 18 families were inspired by our Backyard Home Gardening project.
We shared some vegetable seedlings with these 18 families. They managed to clear their home backyard areas and has began creating new gardens and have started planting vegetable seedlings. We are glad that we have inspired our neighbours in transforming their backyard areas into beautiful environment friendly gardens.
This Backyard Gardening project has taught us how to be environment friendly in very simple ways.
This project has also enhanced our daily physical activities by allowing us to exercise by digging up the gardens, watering, mulching, weeding and planting.
This project has also reduced our monetary expenses which we were having before having backyard vegetable gardens. We used to buy weekly vegetables worth of $30. Now we have good supply of fresh vegetables from our own backyard gardens.