1st National Peace Jamboree
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1st National Peace Jamboree

The Boy Scouts of the Philippines takes its pride and honor to organize the 1ST National Peace Jamb for Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao for three (3) venues simultaneously from 22 February to March 02, 2012 with theme “Scouting: Education for Life” with the aim to provide Scouts a learning opportunity to become social actors and an agents of change as “Scouts: Messengers of Peace”. It covers three (3) main program themes – Environmental Education, Development Education and Peace Education. These include safeguarding the environment is at the heart of everything, as its destruction would threaten humanity’s very existence. Safeguarding the environment is a prerequisite for sustainable development, as development that wastes environmental resources without replenishing them cannot last long. Without development as the key to improved human living conditions for everyone, there can be neither justice nor peace. But, in turn, development requires controlling conflicts: war, in addition to the cost in human lives, is a waste of resources and energy. It prohibits or destroys productive investment, blocks development and destroys the environment. It highlights the modules on “Eight (8) Paths towards Peace Challenge” as the primary peace building initiatives and campaign in creating a culture of peace. Modules include 1.      Peace Advocate’s Path; 2.      Self-Awareness and Personal Mastery Path; 3.      Community & Relationship Path; 4.      National and Global Awareness Path; 5.      Education and Learning Path; 6.      Creative Path; 7.      Team Work and Leadership Path; and 8.      Inter-Faith and Spiritual Path  MODULE 1: PEACE ADVOCATE’S PATH  This module offers a series advocacies, which Scouts are enjoined to actively participate. It aims to train Scouts as peace advocates in the field of environment, road safety, breast feeding and other issues concerning peace and development. We believed that Scouts should become “Messengers of Peace” being at the forefront of Peace Advocacies. This module further aims to promote the image and Scouting profile in the community as relevant movement for young people.  Module Objectives:  At the end of the Module, Scouts should be able to:  1.  Recognize the importance of peace advocacies that promotes environment protection and development;  2.      Learn the basics of road safety;  3.      Help save and protect the environment;   4.      Understand the value of maternal health and nutrition.  5.      Promote good will and understanding through the “gifts and treasures for peace”.   6.      Develop public relations and communications through peace advocacy.   The module showcases four (4) activities such as the  1.      “Go Green: Seeds of Peace Project”,  2.      “Traffic Rules and Road Safety Campaign;  3.      “Breast Feeding Campaign: Scouts caring for Breast Feeding Mothers”, and  4.      “Gifts & Treasures for Peace”  MODULE 2: PERSONAL AWARENESS & SELF-MASTERY PATH – Module 2 presents another vital concept in understanding peace among Scouts. This mainly covers one of the most important aspects of “Developing Core Life Skills” as viewed by the UNESCO on understanding one’s emotion, Self-Awareness and Personal Mastery, and Coping with Stress among young people. It is important for a person to achieve inner peace before he/she can be an agent of social change more so as ambassadors of messengers of peace. Peace must begin to one self before he/she can share with others. The module aims to discovering better understanding of one’s strength and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, and personal behavior in responding to various emotional and stressful situations.  Module Objectives: At the end of the Module, Scouts should be able to: 1.      Recognize their personal strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes and value system; 2.      Explain the importance of Self-Awareness and Personal Mastery; 3.      Develop self-esteem and self-confidence; 4.      Express oneself in the group of peers without the fear of rejection and ridicule; 5.      Make commitment towards personality development.  It showcases four (4) unique Self-Awareness and Personal Mastery Exercises and Personality Development such as 1.      “Self-Awareness & Inner Peace” 2.      “Yoga and Peace Meditation” 3.      “Mirrors of You” and “Facing Shadows”   4.      “Anger Management”
Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Programme
Personal safety
Global Support Assessment Tool
Legacy BWF

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