Current warming is not a blip in the Earth's long climatic history. He's there consequence of errors and excesses, of the indifference that, through ignorance or blindness, humanity has too much long manifested with regard to its environment. This is why it imposes much more on us than adjustments. Faced with this reality, we have no choice but to question many principles and habits on which we have so far based our development. Recognize man’s dependence on his environment, affirm the need to transmitting to our children a Planet that is as preserved as possible, this requires us to reinvent our modes of movement, the way we feed and produce, even certain forms of governance. To fight climate change and try to limit it, we must all work together. Whatever their geographical, economic or political situation, all States must today take into consideration (the best interests) of humanity). we must therefore profoundly change the way of life of billions of humans and invent a new energy model, States must also rely on the strengths of civil societies, as well as on the private sector which, through its capacity for invention, today plays a determining role in the implementation of a carbon-free economy, I am thinking of the development of renewable energies coming, in particular, from the sea, as The city of Monaco has been trying to do this for a long time with heat pumps. The development of energies renewables is still too limited. It must therefore be supported by determined public policies. I am also thinking of improving energy efficiency, a theme on which my country is mobilized with private partners, and is already obtaining convincing results. It is by going beyond our particular interests that we will bring about the essential developments. This involves agreeing to keep clear commitments on emissions reduction targets greenhouse gases
Civic engagement
Healthy Planet
Nature and Biodiversity

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