International day of Biodiversity celebrated by several organizations where I am also a member. Scouts, TEMA volunteers, TEMA Ankara representative Office, My civil association “The Hands Who Carries the Light” and several schools who are working on YUNGA BIODIVERSITY CHALLANGE BADGE which is a well recognized activity on messengers peace service projects. I thought all of those participated children and adults are our supporters on making a better world tomorrow
1. The main event organized by TEMA Ankara Representatiive in a technical high school for girls, It was participated by --- TEMA Volunteers and very strong audience in numbers. We had a conference about Biodiversity in Turkey.
2. We had a photo exhibition on the same place by Nature photographer
3. A group of scouts from my group was camping on week end 23-24 where they work on forest challenge
4. Recently several groups worked on Soil challenge which included games on preserving biodiversity
5. I made a slide show in English and Turkish and posted to my FB for my over 2000 friends. I used documentation on CBD website
https://www.cbd.int/idb/2015/ and used the file Biodiversity supporting development https://www.cbd.int/development/doc/sdg-feb2014-factsheet-en.pdf. Thee is more on the pages which I translate on coming days. These are:
Translating Universal Sustainable Development Goals to Country Action
Biodiversity and the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Biodiversity: The foundation for sustainable development
6. I will also make another ppt presentation other BC activities in Turkey
You will have it as a project with service hours soon on scout.org