Scouts of Greece present their mission, current activities and prospects to members of the Hellenic Parliament

Scouts of Greece present their mission, current activities and prospects to members of the Hellenic Parliament

The Chairman of the National Board Mr. Isidoros Kanetis and the Chief Commissioner Mr. Christoforos Mitromaras, on March 13, 2018, presented the multidimensional activities and programs Greek Scouts offer to the Greek youth, before 30 members of two (2) Parliament Committees (the Permanent Committee on Educational Affairs and the Permanent Committee on Equality, Youth and Human Rights). Both had the opportunity to discuss and answer questions the members of the Hellenic Parliament posed, about Greek Scouting’s current needs, future plans and prospects. The members of the Hellenic Parliament were impressed by the institution of the World Scout Parliamentary Union and showed great interest in becoming members of the Greek Scout Parliamentary Union. The presentation was broadcasted live by the Hellenic Parliament΄s TV channel.
Youth Programme
Good Governance

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