Mauritius Scouts Association conducted a workshop on NSO Capacity Building and Policy Development in Humanitarian Action, as one of the beneficiaries of the Humanitarian Action funded project 2022. The workshop took place during the weekend of 08th & 09th of October 2022 at Gold Crest Hotel in Quatre-Bornes under the guidance of a WOSM Consultant, Mr. Calisto Ochieng. The project is funded by World Organization of the Scout Movement.
The principal objectives of the workshop were met successfully by the end of the 2-days’ workshop that focused on the following areas:
• Acquisition of knowledge, skills and expertise in humanitarian action.
• Promoting humanitarian capacity for future response and strengthening the response capacity of local communities.
• Pro-active disaster preparedness with priority on cyclones, floods and landslide in districts (this included risk analysis, monitoring, assessment and reporting as well as response and recovery requirements).
• Practical preparatory actions needed to be carried by the Scouts out before, during and after the emergency with built in flexibility to provide for changes in the situation.
• Drafting of a humanitarian action policy framework to guide the involvement and coordination of Mauritius Scouts Association in Humanitarian Action.
This workshop comprised of thirty (30) selected participants comprising of the national leadership of Mauritius Scouts Association and some co-opted members who had significant knowledge and experience in the field of humanitarian action. The participants were engaged in a pre-workshop e-learning followed by intensive two days’ workshop to help them understand key concepts and eventually contribute to the development of a National Policy on Humanitarian to help the Mauritius Scouts Association to actively contribute to making the community more resilient to any kind of humanitarian situations.
The Chief Scout, Mr. Percy Appadoo reiterated that, “with this strategic direction, Mauritius Scouts Association will be a member of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council. We will also be represented on the National Emergency Operations Command (NEOC) of the NDRRMC, hence in a better position to help coordinate an efficient and adapted response to vulnerable communities affected by disasters across Mauritius.” an active involvement in disaster response in the country as well as pursue strategic partnerships with relevant organizations- The CC Mr Joseph Belle.