Brigada Scouting: Scouting for Young Aetas
Brigada Scouting, one of the ten mini-services of 4K [RE]solution, is a Scouting teaching service that aims to promote Scouting to young Aetas in Sitio Haduan and to further develop them to become responsible citizens and capable leaders. It includes teaching of the fundamentals of Scouting with basic Scouting skills (like knot tying, first aid, communication, trailing, etc.) and other life skills from it.
07/21/2022: The Brigada Scouting service started with teaching the young Aetas basic knot tying. The Rover Scouts and Service Volunteers taught the parts of a rope, kinds and importance of knots, and some basic useful knots like Bowline. After the teaching demonstration, the young Aetas played a simple game of knot relay to test their learnings.
07/28/2022: The Rover Scouts taught the young Aetas basic first aid, which will be very useful in times of distress since their community has limited access to health facilities. The young Aetas learned basic wound care and bandaging using a triangular bandage. After the discussions, the Rover Scouts facilitated a demonstration activity where the young Aetas applied their learning, especially basic bandaging.
08/04/2022: Teaching Scouting skills continued with communications, where silent and coded signals were focused. The Rover Scouts taught the International Morse Code (IMC) and how it can be used using different modalities. The young Aetas actively participated in the activities such as name writing and distress signaling using the IMC.