Zero Waste Hour
Zero Waste Hour is a global initiative that aims to raise awareness about waste reduction and promote sustainable living practices. During Zero Waste Hour, participants are encouraged to focus on reducing their waste generation. This can involve activities such as sorting waste, composting, recycling, and reducing consumption of single-use plastics. The Zero Waste Hour typically takes place on the second Day of every month, from noon to 3 p.m. local time at Woochu Lower Secondary School.
Zero Waste Hour was observed and a cleaning campaign was organized around the school and community, benefiting over 10,000 people. More than 600 participants, including students and scouts, were divided into groups and led by teachers to carry out the initiative
. Overall, the impact of the Zero Waste Hour cleaning campaign was positive, both in terms of environmental and social benefits.
From the Zero Waste Hour cleaning campaign, we can learn that:
Community involvement is crucial for successful waste reduction initiatives.
Small actions, such as cleaning up the area, can have a significant impact on the environment and community.
Regularly organizing such initiatives can help to promote sustainable living practices and build a sense of community among participants.