Zero Plastic Zone School-2019

Zero Plastic Zone School-2019

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do somuch”  Helen Keller







Wangdue Primary school

No Plastic School


Wangdue Primary School Scouts

Together For Positive Change

“Zero Plastic on Tuesday and Thursday”


Waste management Team

Our Motto:

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” - Helen Keller

  Waste Management

Waste management is an area, which needs education and awareness for global environmental  preservation. It is the precise name for the collection, transportation, disposal or recycling and monitoring of waste. The waste to be managed includes all forms of matter i.e. gaseous, liquid, solid and radioactive matter.


WPS waste management policy strongly believes that waste generation is inevitable as a result school has to be managed the waste appropriately with proper waste handling and disposal. Everyone is responsible for  managing their own waste and moreover one should  act as a driving force in sensitizing the students and the public about the waste issues and challenges. The policy too believes that minimizing individual waste is of paramount significance.          


Fundamentals of the waste management

  1. Rethink
  2. Reduce
  3. Recover                                         
  4. Reuse
  5. Recycle



A healthy and sustainable environment for present and future generations in pursuit of Gross National Happiness - NEC Bhutan


  1. Make people aware of the harm that plastic cause especially in our environment
  2. Generate a way to achieve the goals of GNH through this programme.
  3. Ensure all the children take part actively in managing their own waste.
  4. Reduce  waste through recycling and reusing means.
  5. Enhance awareness and educate the concept of waste management.


  1. Manage the school with zero plastic.
  2. Make the habit of managing our own waste.
  3. Encourage the students to eat healthy food
  4. Instill leadership quality
  5. Build good team spirit.
  6. Make innovative things out of collected waste
  7.  Encourage classes to segregate types of  waste
  8. observe every Tuesday and Thursday  as No Plastic day


Responsibilities of the Waste management Team

  1. For the proper management of school waste, group will be formed in every academic year. The Waste Management Coordinator and team will visit all the classes once a week to evaluate neatness and cleanliness.
  2. The team will keep record of each assessment and award the prizes for the same.
  3. The team shall ensure the litter free school campus.
  4. The Team shall have right to comment  on the cleanliness for respective SUPW areas and if need be inform to management via the  coordinator.
  5. The Team shall have initiate Mass Public Cleaning Campaign once a year or as per school calendar.
  6. Every team shall monitor and implement the policy of No Plastic Day on every Tuesday and Thursday.
  7. The Team and coordinator shall be responsible to delegate jobs in consultation with school management while carrying out any cleaning campaign.
  8. Ensure that municipal dust-bin in the school campus is  emptied timely.
  9. Segregate waste collected in the convenient place.
  10. Ensure  that Waste-bin is placed in the office, staff room and in the classrooms, and emptied timely.
  11. Ensure that respective class teacher maintain less or no waste in the classroom.
  12. Conduct Mass cleaning campaign if possible in town, around school and Rada lhakahang to sensitize on the waste issues and challenges.


  1. The house SUPW Area should be free from litters and the house masters and captains must take full responsibility for it.
  2. Attractive Prizes will be awarded to the best class for maintaining clean and hygienic classroom.
  3. Ten Students will be appointed as core member under Waste management program.
  4. The selected members will have full authority to penalize the offenders who goes against the waste management policy. (The team will  keep record and report to coordinators and principal for necessary action)
  5. On every Tuesday and Thursday the WMP members will monitor and if anyone is found with plastic bags and wrappers, the person have to pay a fine Nu. 10/- If the same person repeats for three times he/she liable to pay double amount of first fine paid.
  6. If the teachers and parents are found with plastic on this day, they will be charged Nu.20/- fine.
  7. If there are waste found in the classrooms and SUPW areas, the concerned class or house will be charged Nu.20/-fine.
  8. The collected fines will be used to finance writing of  slogans and captions related to waste and waste management.





Out come

Budget estimated



No Plastic Sign Board

Sign board written on a 1.3meter by 0 .5 meter card wood.

“You are Entering in Free Plastic Zone”


Placed right near the school entrances gate 1 and 2

To make all the people aware about the free plastic zone, school has adopted waste management policy for better understanding of harmfulness of waste.

  1. Manage the school with Zero plastic bits and pieces in the school
  2. Make the habit of managing our own waste.
  3. encourage the students to eat healthy food






Nu. 2000/-



Displaying 5 Slogan designs


Slogans- will be designed on a cardboard to display in the school.


  1. Go Green
  2. Put your waste in the right place


Different Slogans will be prepared and displayed in different corners on the school campus

To explore the role of the community and stakeholders in management of their waste in the areas.


  1. To generate a way to achieve the goals of GNH (namely Sustainable Development and Environmental Preservation) through this programme.
  2. Ensure all the children take part actively in managing their own waste
  3. Reduce the waste through recycling and reusing means






Nu. 5000/-



Green Dustbin

Installing of Green dustbins- 10 green dustbins will be installed 

10 ten green dustbins will be installed in the following areas:

  1. Two dustbin in the entrances gate 1 and 2
  2. Two dustbin near Class V and VI block
  3. Two green dustbin near class II and III block
  4. Two near the office doors
  5. One near class I block
  6. One near MPH


  1. Make people aware of the harm that plastic cause especially in our environment
  2. Reduce  waste through recycling and reusing means
  3. Manage the school with Zero plastic policy encourage the students to eat healthy food


  1. Make the habit of managing our own waste.
  2. Enhance awareness and educate the concept of waste management
  3. Instill leadership quality.
  4. Generate a way to achieve the goals of GNH through this programme
  5. Minimize the spread of infection and reduce the risk of accidental injuries.





Nu. 15000/-



Green student awards

Three students will be selected for ‘Green student’ of the year and award them with cash prize and certificate.

The Waste management team will keep record of each student for his contribution for managing waste in the school.

  • His /her attitude towards managing waste
  • Integrity
  • Sincerity
  • Punctuality
  • Voluntarism
  1. Enhancing awareness and educate the concept of waste management
  2. Instill leadership quality
  3. create commitment to zero plastic zone


  1. develop one’s  safety and hygiene
  2. Make the habit of managing one’s  own waste.
  3. Encourage everyone’sactive participation in managing the waste









Banner competition

Conduct designing banner competition

All the classes from  iv to Vi will design a banner each on the Theme- “Go Green”

In a cloth and display in the school.















Nu. 30000




Waste Management                            Health In charge                                      Non Academic Head                                  Principal

Coordinator                                        (Namkha Gyealwang)

(Tobgyel)                                             Scout Master

Scout master


 Teacher Member:

  1. Mr. NimaTenzin


  1. Mr.Kinley Tenzin


  1. Ms. NamgayPeldon


  1. Ms. Nimdem


  1. Lop. UgyenLhendup


  1. Ms. DechenZangmo


Started Ended
Number of participants
Service hours
Youth Engagement
Youth Programme

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